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How To Stop Paying Full Price for Top Boston Attractions

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New England Aquarium in Boston MA (Photo: S. Cheng)
The New England Aquarium on Central Wharf in Boston, as seen from Boston Harbor (Photo: S. Cheng)

Would you like to see famous world-class Boston attractions, but don’t have the funds to do so?

I have investigated solutions to that challenge and found that you can save a significant amount of admission price money on Boston’s attractions with CityPASS. That admission includes the New England Aquarium, Museum of Science Boston (general exhibit halls admission), the Prudential Skywalk Observatory and a choice of the Harvard Museum of Natural History or Boston Harbor Cruises.

How CityPass Works and What You Save

You can purchase CityPass online or, also, at the first attraction you visit. The attractions can be seen at your own pace, in any order, during a nine-day period.

As of Dec. 22, 2018, the price for a CityPass is $59.00 for each adult and $47.00 for each child, ages three to 11 (ages two and under get in free). Also, as an added bonus, you can often skip waiting in line.

The regular admission price per person would normally be $107.39, so the savings is around 45 percent!

Museum of Science, Boston. Photo credit: Museum of Science, Boston MA
Museum of Science, Boston. Photo credit: Museum of Science, Boston MA

Boston Attractions Chosen Well For You To See

If I had to choose the best Boston family destinations to visit, these attractions would be at the top of the list.  The New England Aquarium and Museum of Science Boston stand on their own as world-class attractions. The Skywalk Observatory affords memorable panoramic views of the city and beyond — high atop the Prudential Building, Boston Harbor Cruises reminds us about Boston’s presence as a fabulous coastal city. In addition, the Harvard Museum of Natural History features historic exhibits curated from the University’s immense collections with new and changing multimedia exhibitions.

CityPass works especially well for families during extended vacation breaks. Summer vacation, and Christmas, winter and spring breaks are definitely prime times to use this discount pass.

For more information on purchasing a Boston CityPass discount ticket booklet, log onto the Boston CityPASS page.


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How to save money on some of the best family attractions in Boston, Mass.

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