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A Winter Stroll at Long Sands Beach – York Beach, Maine

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A winter walk at Long Sands Beach in York Beach, Maine.
A winter walk at Long Sands Beach.

If you find a rare good weather day during the winter in Maine, a  stroll at Long Sands Beach in York Beach can do wonders.

Many of us get cooped up in the house during the colder season. Add the pandemic and it is more likely to become increasingly housebound.

Last Saturday, however, the temperatures rose to 55 degrees in York so we made a beeline toward Long Sands Beach. To say the experience was refreshing and revitalizing would be an understatement. A touch of spring in the salt sea air felt so good, it was almost like we forgot what the great outdoors at the coast was like. Nearly four months of colder weather in New England will have that effect on the mind.

Rocks, water, beach at Long Sands Beach in York, Maine.
Rocks, water, beach.

What’s more, we nearly had the beach to ourselves. That is rarely the case in the summer. Although many other people had the same idea to get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather, the long stretch of beach afforded safe social distancing. I don’t think we came within 20 ft. of anyone — save a few friendly dogs that don’t care about keeping a distance.

The sand, the surf, the rocks and, oh yes, memorable distant views of Nubble Lighthouse made for a wonderful reunion to a beloved place. With spring technically a little over a month away, this visit served as a wonderful appetizer to more visits in the near future.

A view of Nubble Lighthouse from Long Sands Beach in York, Maine.
A view of Nubble Lighthouse from Long Sands Beach.

In the meantime, consider a winter beach walk at places like Long Sands Beach if you are comfortable with the weather conditions. It will do wonders for the soul.

For the full story on York Beach, click here.

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